Thomas Oskar Strömbom


Thomas is experienced in construction law, public procurement and general contract law. He has extensive experience as a legal adviser in construction projects and assists in the planning, tendering and contract phases.

2017- Partner, Advokatfirmaet Føyen AS
2015-2017Assosiated partner, Advokatfirmaet Føyen Torkildsen AS
2013-2014Senior lawyer, Torkildsen & Co
2011-2012Senior associate, Torkildsen, Tennøe & Co
2008-2010Associate, Torkildsen, Tennøe & Co
2006-2007Member of building owners’ committee for revision of NS 8405 and NS 3431
2006-2007Chief advisor, team working with construction and public procurement law, Advokatene i Forsvarsbygg
2003-2007Advisor/Associate, Advokatene i Forsvarsbygg