Knut Olav Fiane


Knut har i over 20 år arbeidet med generell kontraktsrett, IKT-rett, IKT-avtaler og IKT-anskaffelser innenfor og mot større nasjonale og internasjonale organisasjoner. Gjennom dette arbeidet har han opparbeidet bred erfaring også med tilgrensende områder, som personvern, offentlige anskaffelser, corporate governance og compliance.

1997Cand.jur., Universitetet i Bergen

«Knut Fiane: Resourceful, takes advantage of the strength of their entire team and practice. Great people skills and can set himself in the position of both the client and the opposite side. Fast thinker and profound knowledge when it comes to strategic thinking and contracts.» – Legal 500, 2024.

«Knut Fiane is our go-to for all contract work and strategy where we need a second opinion, drafting of completely new contract sets or negotiation support. He not only excellently balances legal and commercial considerations, but has great operational understanding.» – Legal 500, 2024.

«With impressive experience negotiating tech contracts as previous in-house, Knut Fiane has an ability to put himself in our position and act more or less as a part of our in-house team when we ask him to. This experience sets him truly apart from the competition. He’s pragmatic, knowledgeable and has great understanding of our technology and business.» – Legal 500, 2022.